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Building Guidelines

TYNDP 2020 Scenario Building Guidelines

Building Guidelines

The development of the scenarios builds on storylines and a methodology to translate the storylines into parameters and eventually figures. The TYNDP 2020 Scenario Building Guidelines provide full transparency on how the scenarios are developed and how the development of different demand technologies, generation and conversion capacities, renewable shares and all other parameters are considered.

Download Building Guidelines
(PDF, 4.8 Mb)

TYNDP 2020 – Scenario Building Guidelines: Annexes

Annex 1:
Further Assumptions on the Ambition Tool

Download Annex 1
(PDF, 760 Kb)

Annex 2:
Cost Assumptions for the Investment Modelling

Download Annex 2
(PDF, 770 Kb)

Annex 3:
Trajectories for the Investment Modelling

Download Annex 3
(PDF, 740 Kb)

Annex 4:
Biomethane Assumptions

Download Annex 4
(Excel, 300 Kb)