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TYNDP 2020 – Scenario Report
Main Report
ENTSOs’ TYNDP 2020 Scenario Report describes possible European energy futures up to 2050. Scenarios are not forecasts; they set out a range of possible futures used by the ENTSOs to test future electricity and gas infrastructure needs and projects.
The scenarios are ambitious as they deliver a low carbon energy system for Europe by 2050. The ENTSOs have developed credible scenarios that are guided by technically sound pathways, while reflecting country by country specifics, so that a pan-European low carbon future is achieved.
(PDF, 6.3 Mb)
TYNDP 2020 – Scenario Building Guidelines
Building Guidelines
The development of the scenarios builds on storylines and a methodology to translate the storylines into parameters and eventually figures. The TYNDP 2020 Scenario Building Guidelines provide full transparency on how the scenarios are developed and how the development of different demand technologies, generation and conversion capacities, renewable shares and all other parameters are considered.
(PDF, 4.8 Mb)
Final ENTSOs’ TYNDP 2020 Scenario Storylines
Storyline Report
The three scenario storylines developed in consultation with stakeholders are detailed extensively in the ENTSOs Storylines Report released in May 2019.
TYNDP 2020 – Scenario Building Guidelines: Annexes
TYNDP 2020 – Scenario Data
Scenario Data Sets
The joint scenario package provides an extensive data set resource that is used by each ENTSO TYNDP and other studies. The ENTSOs invite stakeholders to use the scenario data sets for their own studies. Whereas Distributed Energy and Global Ambition have been built as full-energy scenarios until 2050, National Trends is based on electricity and gas related data from the NECP and developed until 2040.
TYNDP 2020 – Charts and Figures
Underlying Data
Provides detailed data that is underlying the charts and figures published in TYNDP 2020.
(Excel, 1 Mb)
TYNDP 2020 – Demand TimeSeries
Use of Data
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The data published on this platform are deemed to be freely available and available to the public. The data can be downloaded and saved free of charge.
ENTSO-E and ENTSOG endeavour to allow the greatest freedom of use of the all data published under the framework of the TYNDP Scenarios. Therefore, all data that is published in the Visualisation Platform and Data files are released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. The same applies to any data requested such as hourly demand time series, which may not be shown on the website due to large files.

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- Share – you can share and reproduce the data in any media and format, citing the source. “TYNDP 2020 Scenarios” should be used as the attribution.
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